HORSES AND ANTS AN OPERA IN EIGHT ACTS Duration: 24 h Full HD Stereo sound Language: Finnish and Swedish Subtitles: English Song and narration: Frida Josefin Österberg Music composed together with Kristios Yngling Dance and choreography: Sandra Lolax 2017 Main
THIS HAPPENS Act I 00.00-03.00 ÖSTERBERG DREAMS It’s cold and dark outside but inside the tent, the stove is warm. In the cosy light of the oil lamp, those on guard stay awake. Nightvision goggles keep a watchful eye for enemy movement. It’s normal to see things when you’re tired. Act II 03.00-06.00 ÖSTERBERG SLEEPS DEEPER Someone is talking in their sleep. Mystical characters move around in the space. In the darkness of the forest the stars shine bright and you can make out the planets. It happens that you forget where you are. Act III 06.00-08.00 COMPANY WAKEUP CALL! The day begins with minute-functions. In the forest, combat training is being prepared. Here and there the sun looks out through the morning mist. Those who can, stay in the tents and fall back asleep. At the hospital it’s warm and comfortable.
THIS HAPPENS Act IV 08.00-11.00 THE BEST SONGS ARE LEFT UNSUNG The company is getting ready for a manoeuvre. The trucks are filled with equipment and war paint is applied. Inside the trucks, small holes in the covers create camera obscura effects of the surroundings passing by. Back at the brigade, films that deal with combat fatigue and stress are shown. It’s orientation and luckily Österberg can follow Vesanen throughout the course. Everyone has to be vaccinated for flu and boreliosis. Act V 11.00-15.00 WAITING FOR A2 The school visits old front lines, bunkers and trenches. War has broken out in Kaunispää where a farmhouse needs to be evacuated. Two soldiers are sent down, but the farmer refuses to leave his property. Combat training continues and TNT-carpets are layed out. Nyman shows us how to do it. Österberg is the messenger, and runs between all the trenches. It is hot and sweaty. The NCO-students visit veterans at a senior citizens home.
THIS HAPPENS Act VI 15.00-18.00 THREATENING SCENARIO The lessons continue with films. The company arranges a track and field day and first platoon wins as usual. During a lecture, contemporary threats and A2 Yellow State are discussed. After the shootings, the weapons are cleaned and inspected by the NCO-students. Cleaning duty has to be completed before rest and recuperation can begin. Starck keeps it in check. Act VII 18.00-21.00 THEN IN OUR DARK HOUSE Rest and recuperation commences. In the gallop-woods shooting exercises continue even in dusk. The vicar gives a lesson on returning to civilian life. At the garrison, st Lucia pays a visit. Liimatainen collects points by going for a run and Österberg tells him about Atahualpa and Pizarro. Pehkonen orders pizza. Act VIII 21.00-00.00 SILENCE BEGINS Jauhiainen gets his hair cut. Saarinen guides the medics through a stabbing case. Österberg helps a friend fix his bag. The light is out. In the forest, night shootings commence and the flares slowly sink into the landscape.
Sinne - Pro Artibus Hufvudstadsbladet Åbo Underrättelser V22 VAFT Operawire